
With the 100th anniversary of the Armistice fast approaching, the Great War has been looked at with increased interest by both the general public, in the form of films and video games, and by the collecting community, in the search for artifacts of historical significance. The modern combat helmet was born out of the need to protect soldiers from the terrible new weapons that emerged during the Great War and have since gone on to be representative of the conflict. The helmet, similar to a service uniform, is a unique item insofar as its ability to “take us back” and allow us to reflect upon the lives of the men who were caught up in a war the likes of which had never been seen before or since.  

The aim of this website is not to give a history of Great War Helmets –there are many excellent works available on that subject already. Nor is it to describe each helmet in depth –there are other sources for that as well. Rather, it is to focus solely on the aspect of collecting these helmets, with the new collector in mind specifically. This includes the foundations of building a good collection, what to look for, things to avoid and specific details of certain helmets that might be areas of concern for the new collector.

I am not a professional; merely a collector like yourself. I created this website as a place to archive all of the information I have collected as a resource for others who would have an interest in this hobby but are unsure of how to begin. Therefore, what follows is solely my opinion, based on my observation and experience, some of which may or may not be entirely accurate, especially as new information becomes available. However, I have tried my best to prepare new collectors for this fascinating hobby and their important role as caretakers of history.

June, 2018